Wednesday 4 April 2012

Series 7 - Heaven and Hell

Last weekend a friend offered to sell me his spare Bunny Suit guy - despite both local toy shops still not having series 7, it was already out in Edinburgh!  Amazingly the Posties did a wonderful and speedy job and he arrived on Tuesday.  He is awesome! An instant fave!

That afternoon however, we had to do our supermarket food shop and we discovered a box of series 7 there.  Wooopee! What a great day.....

After a little fondling (to make sure I didn't get a swapsie) I grabbed myself five. I didn't do too much feeling but I thought I had found a few of my other most anticipated ones (the Evil Knight, the female Viking and the Ocean King).

I got home and opened a bag. No!!!! It was Tarzan - one of the ones I didn't overly want.  Disappointed I grabbed a second bag and gave it a little fondle before opening it.  Surely this would be something better. Nooooooooooooo! Out came the hippie - yet another of my least wanted - I had stupidly mistaken his hair as the Evil Knights helmet!

Disappointment was now firmly set in.  I had only planned on opening two - to savour the fun, but I needed cheering up now so a third bag was grabbed.

Grrrrrrrrr!!!! Unfortunately Michael had mistaken the Bride for the Viking. I hadn't even opened it and the bag got flung across the floor in temper. She was the ONE  I really didn't want. (Of course I would get her to complete the collection but she was really my least fave.) Her face is just too sickeningly gleeful.

The only way I can tolerate that awful manic smile!
With a heavy heart I opened the next two bags. Out came the tennis player - who's tennis racket I had found during the fondling in the shop.  Then came the un-mistakable Aztec Warrior.  Both of whom I had expected and quite like - but after the disappointment of the first 3, I was far from happy.

I just hope Series 7 arrives in our local toy shops soon.  There is just only so long that the wonderful Bunny suit Guy can stave off my disappointment

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