Wednesday 18 April 2012

Series 7 Goodies

The Series 7 still haven't arrived in either of my local toy shops yet.  I have been trying to patiently wait as I'd much rather give my custom to the little people rather than to the supermarket giants but I couldn't wait much longer after the last disappointing haul.  So during our supermarket trip on Monday I came home with seven bags  (6 for me and 1 for my Mum)!

This time I'd spent more time fondling the bags and with Mikeys amazing ability to correctly identify, this time round I knew I would be far from disappointed.

First out of the bag was my 2nd most anticipated (after the Bunny) which was the Viking Woman.....

She is awesome and I love the fact that she has two faces - a stern one and a singing one. ;-) Next was the Evil Knight. I had been quite looking forward to him as his armour looked awesome but he has quite a nasty face; the type of face that would frighten young kids and probably scare my good friend Ali. Then came the gorgeously grumpy Scottish BagPiper.

Hehehe... So far I was more than happy with my haul.  Then came the Computer Programmer.  I was pleasantly surprised with him.  He is pretty cool and his laptop is just adorable. It opens up to reveal a screen and keyboard and in a "Dell" Laptop stylie the outside had a little Lego Logo on the top.

 I was so excited I tore open the next bag .... oops... that was the one I shouldn't have opened... in my excitement I had forgotten to take him out of the pile as he was for my Mum.  I quickly popped him back in his bag! (In case you're wondering it was the Evil Knight)

Then came the fab DareDevil character followed by the Rocker Girl - She is a little gaudy but still pretty cool.

I have to say this time around I was a much happier lassie than last time. All the ones I got were great. Some better than others, but none were as rubbish as my last batch... and thankfully I had managed to avoid that blasted Bride!

Only 4 more to collect... and I can't hardly wait, especially for the Ocean King - just hope he isn't too hard to come by.


Small Adventures said...

Killer scores,my friend!

Nosila107 said...

The Evil Knight is very very scary. How will I sleep?

What a fab lego haul though. Not seen any Series 7 up here at all yet :o(