Friday 13 January 2012

Crime fighting Duo

Whilst in the Toy Shop on Wednesday I treated myself to something that little bit special, as well as all the Mini Figures. I didn't intend to but it just kept calling me. I had to buy it. I needed it!

My friend Rob, had bought it a few days earlier and his awesome photo's of it, made me want it even more.

So what set was it?

It was one of the new DC universe - Superheroes sets.  Superman Vs Power Armour Lex (Set 6862). Not content with providing a great new Superman mini fig (complete with hair curl) and an evil genius Lex Luthor, their was an additional bonus of Wonder Woman. What more could a girl want? As well as the fab Mini Figures, the fully poseable Robot was great fun to build and contained my first ever purple Lego bricks.

It is an absolute must for any serious Lego and Superhero fans! Hehehe... I'm such a geek!

1 comment:

Jez Andrews said...

Haha I've got that!!! Ok my son has but it's kept downstairs for a reason.......